Category Archives: Coffee or Tea

Coffee Moments |1| Photo

Flat white in Glebe, Sydney

Coffee lover – and I am for sure.

I love the aroma of fresh brewed coffee, the smell of coffee beans, the variety, the cup, the art of the barista, my senses come alive.. some people like black coffee, some people like white coffee.  It’s just an acquired taste.

I enjoy sitting in a cafe anywhere around the world, watching the street life like and taste a cup of local coffee. I’ve learned to appreciate all the work that goes into a cup of coffee. Maybe something only other coffee lovers will appreciate. But again, it shows that a humble cup of coffee can also make a great shooting opportunities everywhere when I travel RTW.

See you on my next post!

Coffee Moments Around The World | hope you enjoy your cup! 😉

Take a break,have a coffee!

Lovely latte art. A fabulous cup of flat white at Chatswood café in Sydney.

I love Coffee – a real coffee made from an espresso machine here in Australia as well as travelling in different countries. My favourite coffee is flat white – the surface is flat and white unlike latte or cappuccino. It must be an Australian thing not to have a coffee with too much froth. When it’s done right, it’s a really nice, balanced cup of coffee.

The last 2 weeks I was pretty busy at work. I will post more frequently, sorry for the break! Hope you enjoy a cup of coffee too.